
Democrats Abroad (DA) is the official Democratic Party arm for the millions of Americans living outside the United States. We strive to provide Americans abroad a Democratic voice in our government and elect Democratic candidates by mobilizing the overseas vote.

Democrats Abroad has 52 country committees throughout Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. These country committees keep Americans abroad informed of their rights and help them participate in the U.S. political process. Our members live in more than 190 countries around the globe and vote in every state and Congressional district in the U.S. Learn more about Democrats Abroad.

Democrats Abroad has 6 elected DNC members, in addition to our International Chair and Vice-Chair, representing Democrats Abroad on the Democratic National Committee. Learn more about DA's DNC members.

Press Requests

Please contact our Press Secretary, Sharon Manitta at [email protected]

You can contact our Communications Director at [email protected] 


